Connections Exhibit

It has always been inspiring to learn about the passions and interests Alden B. Dow and Vada B. Dow explored throughout their lives. As inquisitive humans, their passion to learn, grow and understand the world around them only increased with time. This need to expand their thinking included interaction and connections with a wide range of friends. We are still learning about many wonderful people with whom they corresponded and shared ideas. We thought it would be fun to highlight a few of the wonderful, interesting and intriguing friends that helped inspire Mr. and Mrs. Dow and expanded their worlds.
We have created an exhibit that we will unfold online as well as a physical exhibition you can visit in the Second Drafting Room at the Home and Studio. These wonderful friends and business associates, many who were well-known and successful in their own fields of interest, shared a desire to challenge the world in positive and constructive ways. They created and expanded definitions for our world. Please enjoy biographies, correspondence, original art and the interactions between these incredible friends of Alden and Vada Dow.

Yvonne Bannelier Lagier
Otto and Gertrude Natzler
Marshall Fredericks
Peters Oppermann
Hans Knoll and Florence Schust Knoll Basset
R. Buckminster Fuller

The exhibit may be viewed by appointment:
Monday-Friday: 11 am–1 pm and 2 pm–4 pm
Saturday 2 pm–4 pm
Admission is free


Craig McDonald, Director

All guests are required to follow the Home and Studio’s Covid-19 policies and procedures.

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